Gareth Brown FJVA
Gareth Brown FGA DGA FJVA GIA-Pearls CPAA, provides an independent valuation service for the public, insurers and selected jewellers.
Bristol & Carmarthen JVA Registered Valuer ®

Clarity Valuations
For me, my job is a passion. It was a fire that started over twenty years ago when I started working in my local jewellers after school. When I set up Clarity Valuations, I had a straightforward objective. I wanted to make getting a valuation easy again, to get back to how simple and straight forward things use to be, while ensuring the valuation was not only fit for purpose but also conforms to today’s stringent guidelines.
So what makes me and Clarity Valuations different? Firstly I am entirely independent and have no vested interest in the pieces that I value. My fees are based on the number of items to be valued and not a percentage of their value. Ensuring there is no conflict of interest, so I am always able to provide an expert, non-biased report. I also do not accept commission payments from jewellers or insurance companies. Neither do I buy, sell, or broker. For me, offering my clients independence and candour is of paramount importance.

Home visits service or Office appointments available
Secondly, and adhering to my principal that it should be easy to obtain a valuation. I specialise in providing a private visitation service, where I will come to you to undertake the inspection of pieces. Because I want to keep the disruption to yourself to an absolute minimum, and I don’t want you to have to send your most treasured items away for weeks on end. During the appointment, I will record all the pertinent information relating to your item(s), along with taking digital photographs of each piece. Once the inspection has been completed, I leave the item(s) with you and return to the office to undertake the research aspect of the valuation. The completed report is then sent on to you within a few working days. If it is not convenient for me to come to you, then I would be delighted to welcome you to my office, either in Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol or Picton Terrace in Carmarthen.
FGA - Fellow of the Gemmological Association of Great Britain (Gem-A)
DGA - Diamond Member of the Gemmological Association of Great Britain (Gem-A)
Memberships & Associations:
Member of the Association of Independent Jewellery Valuers (AIJV)
Fellow of The Jewellery Valuers Association (Founder Member & Benefactor)

Supporting a claim with Evidence
The success of any insurance claim relies on the evidence that can be supplied to support a claim. Join me as I explain the pitfalls and how to avoid them ...
Why do I need a valuation, when I have a receipt?
Why your receipt may not be adequate and could leave you woefully under-insured in the event of loss ....

Unsighted insurance 'valuations': Stress free dream or potential nightmare?
Highlighting the potential problems and risks of so-called 'desktop valuations' ....